Urban ethnobotanical study of Patan taluka, Gujarat, India

Aishwarya Darji*, Juhi Gajjar, and Hitesh Solanki

Ethnobotany is the study of traditional knowledge associated with plants in a social group such as 
regions or cultures. Urban ethnobotany is a term used to define ethnobotany in urban areas. The present 
paper deals with the urban ethnobotanical study of Patan taluka of Gujarat state. Plants of 
ethnobotanical importance with their uses were recorded. A total of 116 plants belonging to 56 families 
were recorded. The most used families were Poaceae with 9 plants followed by Umbelliferae, Fabaceae, 
and Lamiaceae family with 7, 6, and 5 plants respectively. Fruits were the most used plant part. Herbs 
were most used for treating various diseases and ailments. The main source of plants used was from 
homes, farms, roadside, markets, and shops. Traditional knowledge persists in urban areas because the 
knowledge is being passed on from forefathers to the next generations.

Type of Publication
Research Paper
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