Act, Chapter, Schedule and their amendments for Wildlife protection: A scenario

Kanhiya Mahour*

Interactions between human beings and wild life coming from ancient times with a defining experience of human existence. These interactions may be in a positive or negative way. People compete with wild life for meals, shelter and other resources. With these interactions, they may find some beneficiaries and some time they face losses; even they can lose their life. Wild life is very important for maintaining the diversity and link in the ecosystem. Wild life had suffered a wide range of social and behavioural changes due to the greedy nature of human being and technical approaches to reduce negative interactions with wild life. The negative interactions have led to the destruction of habitats and decline of numerous species. Current advancements in biodiversity studies to increase their number are in the direction of positive conservation and betterment of wild life. However, there is an urgent need to frame some important rules and regulations for the conservation and protection of wild life. The present investigation explores the various acts, chapter, schedule and their amendment for wild life protection and conservation in present scenario.

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Research Paper
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