
Articles on Volume page

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1 An Indian Perspective to the Historical COP28: Reviewing Success and Failures of Climate Crisis Mitigations
Joshi Mayuresh*

Conference of Parties (COP) is an international climate conference organized every year to determine climate mitigation avenues and deliberate on the possible opportunities and routes of climate crisis management. India has been an active member of COP Nations since COP1 itself wherein it had made its agenda clear. The current review article provides an overview of the historical incidences that led to the onset of COP and presents a synopsis of the major events during COP meetings till the current meeting in Dubai also known as COP28.

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2 Sighting of the Far Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis Linnaeus, 1766) at Paradip, Odisha, East India
Suruliyandi Vijayan
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3 A note on captive rearing of Common mime (Papilio clytia) at North Bengal Wild Animals Park, West Bengal
Pariyar Prishka*, Sarkar S Kamal, Chowdhary Abhishek, Doley Nick and Basak Sangita

Aiming to contribute to the conservation of lepidopterans, North Bengal Wild Animals Park, West Bengal has established a butterfly conservatory within the park's premises. From May 2022 to April 2023, the rearing of common mimes (P. clytia) was practiced, and their life cycle from early development to the adult stage was recorded. The article explain the rearing process, morphological changes recorded with successive molting, and the challenges that were faced and resolved during the rearing of these ecologically important species.

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4 Record of the Albino Blue Bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus) from Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary, Akola District, Maharashtra
Ahale Akash, Shaikh Munna and Prajapati Nisha*
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5 Important Sights of Olive Ridley Turtle in Paradip, Odisha
Suruliyandi Vijayan*, Sagar Kumar Biswal, Karmegam Balaji Sriram & Nattamani Basker Suryakumar
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